Artists and Makers tools have always fascinated me and like most of us whenever I enter a workshop, studio or any making space, I naturally want to explore all the different tools and various objects that are around when things are created. All these tool and objects are somehow a part of the final work. These seemingly inanimate objects, when in the hands of a creator, become incredibly powerful. And when photographed this way we celebrate the object as a piece of art unto itself. I love how this allows the tool or object, that would otherwise be overlooked as just part of the workspace, to suddenly transcend the space and become a studied and considered piece. Then, when arranged, these objects become a story, almost like hieroglyphic images of tools we might see on an archeological stone wall. Marking the creation process as it's own precious art form.
adam's place
My grandfather Adam had this shed, in his backyard. It was there as long as I knew. And it looked exactly the same, for the moment I first remember to the moment it was pulled down. This place was his sanctuary. His cathedral. His alter. His surgeons table for his machines and his creations. When he died, he left his shed and all the memories there. Before this place was pulled apart I went through all the worn-down tools, cigarette tins, wooden boxes, and strange things found inside.
Chelsea's Place
Chelsea is a knife maker from Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She is bad ass and she makes a hell of knife. Check out her knives: